Dave’s Devotions: Doing Life Out of Who We Are Chapter 1
Since I have started Camp Grace and God has blessed the ministry many people have ask me, how has all of this happened, how did you raise all the money to build such a great camp. What is your method, strategy etc. As I think about these statements and questions to me, my mind goes to how God works through us to accomplish His plan and His purpose. (Ephesians 2:10) There are biblical principle that I have learned through this 19-year journey with the Lord as He has taken me though this ministry we call Camp Grace. With this in mind, I want to start several devotions on the principles God has taught me and my prayer is that these devotions will help inspire all my wonderful friends and draw everyone closer to our Lord. I am just one man attempting to follow God, just like you!
Let me start with this principle. My first principle is “what we do flows out of what we believe”. Proverbs 23:7 says, “as a man thinks within himself, so he is.” Let me say it like this, out of my core belief system flows my values and out of those values flows my behavior. So core belief is everything. Core belief is what I think about God and what I believe God thinks about me. This has to be biblically correct and biblically sound because everything flows out of this. Have you ever seen the sport of Sculling. Several people are in a boat and oars are on each side of the boat. In order for the boat to go perfectly straight the teams timing with the oars in the water must be perfectly together. The worst thing for a sculling team is that one of the people rowing is just a little off. Eventually the boat will slow and will go off course. Our Christian life is like this sculling team. If our core belief system is just a little off our life will go off course and eventually will crash and burn. So, in the next few devotions let’s look at our Core belief system.
Dave Pridemore
Founder Camp Grace