Summer Staff


Join Our 2024 Camp Summer Staff Team

Every summer, hundreds of campers come to know the Lord and fall in love with Him at Camp Grace. The same can be said for our college students that serve as summer staff. We employ nearly a hundred college students every summer to help facilitate summer camp to under-served youth. With positions like counselors, lifeguards, production teams, kitchies, maintenance, and more; we have a position for everyone. Summer after summer, our staff has stories about how the Lord has changed their own lives by taking a step of faith and serving at Camp Grace. Join the team at Camp Grace as we strive to transform the lives of urban youth across Georgia, with grace, through overnight camps. Whether you are looking to be on leadership, a counselor in a cabin, or on core staff team; we are excited to have you join the team! For more information about our positions, click on the titles below to learn about each job’s responsibilities.


Want to have the best summer yet?

Want to work as a summer staff but don’t have time to fill out an application right now? Send us your information below!

Fill out my online form.

If you have questions just email Mike or Makayla at [email protected] or [email protected]

Mandatory Training:

May 17th – 25th


1st Session: May 26 – June 14
2nd Session: June 16 – July 6

Summer Staff Stories

There is no other way to truly transform the lives of urban youth at Camp Grace than through our counseling staff which builds into the lives of our campers. The key is relationships. Our staff spends a week building and depositing relationally into six urban youth as they experience new adventures, overcome fears and encouraged to step up to challenges placed before them.

As a counselor you will walk through each day coaching, teaching, loving and learning with your cabin as walls break down and lives are changed. You become a tool for change. Join us this summer for a life changing experience.

Contact our Assistant Camp Directors, Mike or Makayla